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Allington with SedgebrookChurch of England Primary

Together, our good works can make a real difference.

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Class 2

Welcome to Class 2

Together, our good works can make a real difference.

We are Year 1 and Year 2. Mrs Thompson, our class teacher helps us shine throughout the week from Monday to Thursday. On Fridays, Mrs Hammond the headteacher teaches us.


Children in  class 2 strive to be the best version of themselves. We promote forgiveness, truth and generosity.


Term 1

As children in Class 2 embark on a new school year, we will be establishing good learning behaviour, such as building resilience, following rules and instructions, and developing self regulation skills.

Through our topic, 'How has technology changed our lives?' children will examine artefacts from the past and look at their significance.



Year 2 boys in Class 2 choosing to share their favourite poems!


Where The Wild Things Are

by Maurice Sendak, will be the focus for our writing.




 A R T

Ambition is at the heart of our art curriculum! Children are engaged and inspired. We aim to equip them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art. Through developing individual sketchbooks, observational skills, and experience of a wide variety of materials and approaches.


Children look at the work of past and contemporary artists.

Kindness, empathy, forgiveness and resilience.

We are learning about friendships and the qualities that make a good friend.









Although your child will be taught to read at school, you can have a huge impact on their reading journey by continuing their practice at home. Please try to read with your child at least four times a week.

Remember to write in the reading record when you have done so.


Reading Practice Books

Their reading practice book will come home on Wednesday, by which time your child will have read it or parts of it on three consecutive days in class.

Please return the book and reading record on Monday


Reading for Pleasure Book

Your child will also bring home a book that they have chosen from the library box. This is a book for you to share with your child. Please enjoy reading and talking about it with them. Return it on Wednesday.



DECODING: Blending and chunking up to decode words.
PROSODY: Reading with expression and intonation.

COMPREHENSION: Understanding what they have read.



Homework is sent out every Friday. It should be completed and returned by the following Thursday. It is expected that all children will attempt the reading, spelling and numbots work.
Optional work is also set. This is usually work specifically aimed at an area that your child needs to work on. Homework will reinforce learning that has happened in class. 



P.E. is on Wednesday and Friday. Please make sure P.E. kits remain in school all term. Long hair should be tied up and jewellery should be removed.



Class 2 will have swimming lessons in the second term. A letter will be sent nearer the time confirming details. Children will need swimming hats, goggles and either a one piece swimming costume or non baggy trunks.


Pencil Cases, Bags, Water Bottles, Belongings

Children in Class 2 will not require any stationary or pencil cases from home. We provide everything that they will need in class. Book bags rather than large back packs are ideal.  Please carry water bottles to avoid leakages damaging books. Please bring a labelled water bottle every day.

Please label all belongings.


Home Time 

At home  time staff will release children into your care on the main playground, unless it is raining heavily. Then children are released from the classroom side door.













