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Allington with SedgebrookChurch of England Primary

Together, our light will shine.

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Class 4

Welcome to Class 4


Hello and welcome to Class 4's page. Our teacher is Mr Drew and our teaching assistants are Mrs Hodgson and Miss Jarvis.

We aim to shine at our very best in all the school values both in and out of school. We get the chance to represent the school in many sporting events where we want to show ambition but also be respectful towards others and ourselves. We're the oldest children in the school so we like to help the younger ones by being generous with our time and helping them along their journey. Through forgiveness, truth and hope we know we can be the very best versions of ourselves even when times are hard.

Just a couple of quick reminders...We need to have our P.E. kits in school from Monday until Thursday. Homework is given out on a Friday and is due in on the following Thursday (if you're stuck then please pop in to speak to one of us). Spellings are given out on a Friday and tested the following Friday. Lastly, we're encouraging the children to have a big focus on reading, both in school and at home - just 10 minutes per day can really make a huge difference.

Remember that our door is always open; if you do need anything then please call in and see us.

Warm regards,

Everyone in Class 4


Have you seen the Kids' Zone? Play games, and visit some cool websites. You can vote for your favourites!

Computing - Coding a Game

Music - Planning and Rehearsing

Music - Planning a Group Performance

Computing - Using Loops

English - Drafting a Diary

Computing - Programming

RE - Artistic Interpretation

Science - States of Matter

PE - Planning Circuit Training

Art/DT - Easter Flowers

Science - Investigating Levers

Girls’ Football Team - Joint Fifth Place!

DT - Spaghetti Truss Bridges (final build and testing)

Safer Internet Day - Staying Safe in an AI World

DT - A Spaghetti Truss Bridge

DT - Testing Beam Bridges

Science - Heart Rate Investigation

Art - Using Clay Skills

Computing - Filming Techniques and Storyboards

Yu-Gi-Oh! Club thanks to Oliver!

Art - Finished Sketches

Computing - Video and Camera Shots

Art - Sketching and Planning

PSHE - Lincolnshire Stay Safe Partnership Workshop

PSHE - Information Sharing

Christmas Production

Computing - Vector Drawing

Christmas DT - Prop Creation

English - Checking Myth Setting Description Levels Through Drawing

Computing - Vector Drawing

After School - Premier League Primary Stars

Remembrance Sunday Artwork

DT - Cutting and Sewing

Science - Orbit and Rotation

PSHE - Friendships

Collaboration Challenge!
