Class 4
Welcome to Class 4
Mrs. Gough, our new Class 4 teacher, welcomes all children back to school! Class 4 is also supported by Mrs. Faulkner, Mrs. Humphries, and Mrs. Mills throughout the week. In the mornings, children will line up promptly when the bell rings and will be escorted into school by a staff member. At the end of the day, children will leave via the Class 4 fire exit at 3:30 pm to meet their grown-ups on the playground. Children will need to bring a named water bottle daily, and they may also bring a healthy snack for morning playtime. All stationery is provided, so there’s no need for children to bring their own pencil cases. Children must also remember to bring their reading records and books every day, as well as their PE kits on Mondays and Thursdays.
We look forward to a fantastic year ahead!
This term, our topic is Crime and Punishment. Pupils will explore how crime and punishment have evolved throughout history, from ancient times to the systems we have in place today. Through this fascinating topic, children will gain insight into how societal values, laws, and justice have changed over time.
As part of their learning, pupils will be reading a range of engaging texts, including Holes by Louis Sachar, which will provide rich opportunities for discussion, reflection, and connection to the theme. We’re excited to embark on this journey through history and literature together!
Please can all children have both an inside and outside P.E. kit (including trainers) in school at all times. Please refer to the school website for the uniform details for P.E and please name all kit.
To support your child's progress in both guided and independent reading, it is essential that they bring their Reading Record and reading book to school each day. These tools play a crucial role in enhancing their reading experience.
We encourage children to read at home at least four times a week. Whether reading independently or with a family member, it would be extremely helpful if you could record the reading sessions in their Reading Record, including any observations or comments you may have. Additionally, we recommend that children take their time with each book, re-reading sections as needed, and engaging in the response activities at the back of the book. This allows them to fully absorb the material, deepen their understanding, and enjoy the process of reading.
Thank you for your ongoing support in fostering a love of reading!
Weekly Homework Overview
Each week, your child will receive a homework assignment that will encompass both Maths and English. These tasks are designed to reinforce and consolidate the learning from the classroom.
Times Tables Practice
In addition to the weekly homework, we encourage regular practice of times tables at home. Children are expected to engage with Times Tables Rock Stars, an online platform that supports their mastery of times tables. This will be reinforced throughout the year in class, but consistent practice at home will help solidify their understanding.
Spelling Test & Retrieval Practice
On Friday mornings, children will take a spelling test. The words for this test will be those that have been practiced and discussed throughout the week during English lessons. It is important that children review these words regularly at home to ensure they are prepared for the retrieval test on Fridays.
Thank you for your continued support in helping reinforce these key areas of learning at home.
Please send emails to:
Class 4 - Termly Overview
Term 2
Merry Christmas from Class 4
Term 2
Term 2
Oak Academy Pupil videos: go onto and click on Maths
Term Autumn 1
Year 5: Lessons 1, 3, 4, 22
Year 6: Lessons 4, 5, 6, 7,
T1 Topic Web; Economic Activity of the UK
Term 1