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Allington with SedgebrookChurch of England Primary

Together, our light will shine.

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Special Educational Needs and Local Offer

 (Together our light will shine)


What SEND looks like in our school…


If you have special educational needs, it may mean that you need extra help or support with your learning in school. Maybe, you find some things that you are expected to learn at school, and perhaps at home too, quite difficult. To find out how best to help you, Mrs Cowley (the school SENCO), Mrs Hammond and your class teachers will all work together with your parents. We will find out what you find hard, as well as what you are able to do. Most importantly, we will also ask you to tell us about what you enjoy, what is tricky for you, how you feel and what best helps you to learn. It’s really important for us to talk to you! Sometimes, we may ask people outside of the school to help us – because they are experts and work with many other children. These people may come into the classroom to see you and they may talk to you on your own, too. They may also work with you on a number of occasions, by coming into school or online using a computer.

Together, we can come up with ways to support you in the classroom, at playtimes and at home, too. These may be through extra reading or spelling activities, using special learning programmes on the computers, having regular learning times with a few other classmates or on your own with an adult to help you or having special places or resources in the classroom to make your learning easier for you. We can all keep a close eye on what’s working best and, as you get older, check whether we need to try anything new. In fact, we will meet three or more times a year to talk to you and your parents about how you are getting on.

As well as your challenges, we are sure that there will be things that you are good at, and we will encourage you to show us these, help you grow in confidence and celebrate all of your successes.

When you leave our school, we will make sure that you are set up in the best possible way to go on to your secondary school.


