Uniform - please see policy as it contains all uniform details.
Uniform can be purchased directly from School Trends by using the following link https://www.schooltrends.co.uk/uniform/AllingtonwithSedgebrookCEPrimarySchoolNG322DY on the parents' ordering tab, key in Lincolnshire as the county and Grantham as the town and our school will be in the drop down list. You can also opt to have your order delivered to school. We keep a small amount of this stock in school, too.
Parents are free to purchase school uniform, in the correct colours, from any other retailers and do not need to feel obliged to buy items with the school's logo. Our uniform is gender neutral.
If your child qualifies for Pupil Premium, please contact school for help with uniform costs.
We also keep a small stock of second hand clothing, which is free.