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Allington with SedgebrookChurch of England Primary

Together, our good works can make a real difference.

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Curriculum Provision

Our Curriculum

Pupils learn through exciting topics such as: A Journey through Narnia, Ahoy there , Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, All Creatures Great and Small, Food for Thought, Deep Seas and Creeping Coasts to name but a few.

Maths is taught as a more standalone subject but can be themed at times.



  • We want children, of all abilities, to have a joyful education that ignites their curiosity and enthusiasm for learning.
  • We want our children to stand out from the crowd and be recognised for their educational passion and ambition, their strong sense of morality and for their kindness and understanding.  
  • The school’s curriculum is designed to engage learners and promote high outcomes in all areas. There is a strong focus of progression of knowledge and skills and teachers have a solid understanding of what children have previously learnt and of their end points.
  •  We ensure that all pupils develop an extensive vocabulary (often beyond that of the NC- ‘the language of experts’) to enable them to express themselves clearly, make deeper connections between subjects, develop character, and open up opportunities in their next phase of education.
  • As a small and non- diverse village school our curriculum is also designed to enable pupils to: grow in their global understanding of different cultures, to challenge stereotypes and to appreciate diversity.


  • Some of our subjects may be delivered through a themed approach and are highly engaging in content. Growth in specific subject knowledge remains key when teaching thematically.
  • Pupils have opportunities to contextually develop and broaden their vocabulary, knowledge and understanding across subjects.
  •  All teachers have been involved in the planning of each subject and have an astute understanding of how new knowledge and skills build and of their end points.     


  • The impact of the taught curriculum is strong; work across the curriculum is of a high quality for the majority of pupils.
  • All pupils including those with SEND and disadvantaged have full access to the curriculum. Our curriculum is not narrowed and because expectations are high- pupils experience success.  The vast majority of pupils, including those with SEND, have well developed vocabularies enabling them to knowledgeably access learning across subjects. The cross curricular and immersive nature of our curriculum increases knowledge and understanding for all groups of children and ensures that learning is memorable.
  • 100% parents agree that their children are taught well.
  • Marking and verbal feedback is effective throughout school; pupils are fully aware of their identified areas for improvement.
  • Teachers carefully track the progress of all pupils and specific groups adapting planning and provision to address any gaps in learning.
  • The vast majority of pupils are engaged in their work and thoroughly enjoy their school experiences.
  • Conversations are focused around the lesson content.
  • Children become resilient and resourceful.
  • Children leave school as enthusiastic and confident learners; they continue to take active and responsible roles at their secondary schools.





How can you find out more?

You can find out more about our curriculum through parents’ evenings, open days, specific curriculum days or simply by contacting the head or class teacher.


Phonics and Reading Schemes in Key Stage One

Please see our signpost “Useful Information – Teaching Reading” for further details.

Children's happiness- a good read

 Progression of key knowledge/ skills/ language in each subject

Art progression in knowledge, skills and language

DT Progression in knowledge, skills and language

Geography Progression of knowledge, skills and vocabulary

History Progression in Key Skills and Knowledge

Maths Curriculum Overview

Modern Foreign Languages Progression in knowledge, skills and vocabulary

Music Progression in knowledge,skills and language

Reading Curriculum

R.E. Curriculum Overview

Spoken Language Progression

Writing Progression
