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School Name

Allington with SedgebrookChurch of England Primary

Together, our good works can make a real difference.

Get In Touch

Class 3

Together, our good works can make a real difference.


Hello and welcome to our class page.

Please see below for some helpful reminders. If you do have any questions then please feel free to catch me on the playground before and after school.

Kind regards,

Mr Drew



Please ensure your child has a suitable and named PE kit in school Monday-Friday (we aim to have PE on Tuesday and Thursday).



Homework is sent out on a Friday and due in the following Thursday (or Friday at the latest). There are some fundamentals and then some extras if your child has the time. The extras are sometimes quite open to encourage children to take ownership of their homework and to aim to produce a piece that they see fits the task. If you have any questions about TTRS then please ask – playing in small bursts, little and often, is the key to progression and embedding the key facts.


Reading Books

Please could your child make sure they have their reading book in school every day and that they aim to record their home reading in their yellow reading record.


Have you seen the Kids' Zone? Play games, and visit some cool websites. You can vote for your favourites!

Curriculum Overview Spring Term



Maths - Geometry

Art - Cave Paintings

Curriculum Overview Autumn Term
